Production MBE for III-V
- Production capability of up to 3×2”, 7x 3”, 4×6”, or 3×8” platens
- Fully automated and reliable UHV wafer transfer system
- Reliable performance for long-growth campaigns
- Designed for high-quality III-V growth and fast servicing with minimum downtime.
- DCA control software for efficient batch processing
- System interlocks guarantee safe operation and system protection
The base UHV cluster tool consists of three modules:
- The P-Series growth chamber:
- P800 for up to 3×3” processing
- P1000 for up to 4×4” processing
- P1200 for up to 4×6” processing
- P1400 for up to 3×8” processing
- Central distribution chamber (CDC) with wafer handling robot,
- Cassette load lock chamber.
The modular design allows the UHV cluster tool to be easily expanded with:
- Additional process/growth chambers
- Preparation chamber – suitable for high-temperature processing or ion/plasma cleaning
- Storage chamber – for additional carrier/sample storage in UHV (up to 25 slots)
The P-Series chamber is designed for high-quality III-V growth, long growth campaigns, and easy servicing/maintenance to minimise the system downtime. The chamber is divided into two parts:
i) the upper panel – dedicated to pumping and analytical ports, and
ii) the lower source panel – dedicated to sources.
Both the upper and lower chamber panels feature a separate cryopanel that maximises the liquid nitrogen cooled surface area for effective pumping or group-V materials. This is especially important for applications that require carrier high-mobilities with As. This design also allows the cryopanels to be quickly and easily exchanged or cleaned during the maintenance period thus minimising the system downtime.
Linear shutters are mounted vertically to allow group-III materials (Ga/In) to collect into dedicated wells in the source flange for easier cleaning. Another key benefit of the shutter design is the ability to remove and clean individual source shutters from the mounting flange (i.e. no need to fully open the chamber).
A wide range of platens are available for processing, and custom designs are available upon request.
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