Hybrid MBE system for C2N, CNRS

Hybrid MBE in the heart of Paris

DCA Instruments have manufactured and delivered a unique Oxide research system for C2N, CNRS in Paris, France. As the most advanced oxide MBE system’s manufacturer, DCA Instruments we selected to develop a next generation oxide MBE system combining mono-atomic, ozone and metal-organic gas injection.

Multi-source metal-organic injectors for hybrid MBE.

At the heart of the system, is a second generation of DCA’s successful MOPI source for metal-organic injectors for hybrid MBE. Operational on both research and industrial systems, large area deposition of STO and BTO have already been achieved in industrial settings. The Gen 2 MOPI source, will offer the flexibility to deposit Ti, V, Hf and Zr based compounds.

Key Features of the R450 hybrid oxide MBE system

  • R450 oxide MBE system: Engineered for optimial growth conditions under agressive oxide atmospheres.
  • Multi-functional gas oxide gas injection: Molecular, atomic, ozone and metal-organic
  • Wide selection of metal effussion cells
  • Linear buffer chamber for sample preparation and storage
 DCA Instruments are exited to be selected to support CNRS in their Nanofutur research program for oxide thin films./


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